Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chocolate Syrup

Every single brand of chocolate syrup on the market is some cocoa powder added to high fructose corn syrup. Who the hell decided it was a good idea to make chocolate flavored corn syrup? That's gross! What happened to the good old days when sugar=bad? I suppose since Hershey's chocolate syrup isn't made primarily with sugar it is therefore, less 'bad' for you. Anyhow, I don't do high fructose corn syrup NOR corn syrup so I needed something to make my chocolate milk with.

This recipe comes from who knows where on the web and I've changed it to suit my needs and make it taste the way I want it to taste. It has the same consistency as Hershey's, tastes the same (if not better) and it's SO easy to make. Also a hell of a lot cheaper. It's a simple syrup with some cocoa powder added to it. That's all. So here goes...

HFCS-free Chocolate Syrup

1 cup water
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup cocoa powder
pinch of salt
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan. Stir in sugar, cocoa and salt. Stir over medium heat until smooth and sugar is dissolved. 'Cook' for 2-3 minutes to thicken. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Let cool to room temperature and bottle it up.

I bottle mine in a recycled honey bear but anything with a squeeze type top works fine. I've kept it in the fridge for up to a month but who knows how long it's good for. I usually use it before it gets a chance to go bad and hopefully you will too!

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